16 days to the new apartment


So we have 16 more days to go before we move in to the new apartment and the wait is getting frustrating – I want to be in already. I think what is frustrating is that we have all these ideas of what we want to do, but we can’t really finalise them until we have a good idea what everything looks like and in typical Swedish house buying style we haven’t seen the apartment for weeks now.

I find the buying process rather strange: go and see a viewing of the apartment with lots of other couples and in a day or two later the bidding process starts. This can go very quickly – in our case just a day I think, and then you sign the papers and its more or less yours. After this you don’t really get to see the apartment until you move in. I guess that we could make a request to go and see it but that doesn’t seem like the done thing. So its been almost 3 months without seeing the place!

All that furniture we have/want – where is it going to fit? Is it going to fit? How big was that space again – the documents drawn up by the estate agents for the plan are not exactly accurate.

So now is the frustrating wait to the en vitiable pain of moving, and the fun of unpacking and deciding exactly where the forks are going to live in relation to the dish washer.

Longest 16 days of my life – spent looking at furniture and cat trees (probably the ugliest things you can put in an apartment).

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