Moving moving moving


This weekend was a busy one, but strangely relaxing at the same time.

Kristin and I hired a van, and took some things of hers from her apartment back to her home town of Karlstad roughly located between Stockholm and Oslo. In the new apartment we decided that a lot of her furniture was of the wrong period predating the apartment quite significantly so what we didn’t want we stored. It took about 3 and a half hours to drive there, not bad going in a van and we arrived at 1pm after spotting the odd Badger and Beaver along the way.

After a good nights sleep we moved the furniture in (including many of her collection of chairs) and also helped her family move some of their items around and throwing out what we didn’t need.

We got a bed that was more suitable from her mother – a kind of a bed that is a sofa, or is a sofa that is a bed? But one thing is for sure its not a sofa bed in the manor that we would describe in England, and is much prettier. On further investigation it is what in English is referred to as a day bed – but instead of sleeping parallel with the bed we are going to fit a double mattress so that the back of the sofa becomes the head board.


After a trip to Ikea on Sunday to collect some lamps that we both really liked, two small ones for the bedroom and a larger free-standing lamp we headed back to Stockholm in time to drop everything off and return the van. The lamps look very white here, but we choose some warmer bulbs to change the colour temperature so I think they look a bit more attractive than the picture that you see here.

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