Almost finished a site!


Along time ago I wrote a list of things that I need to complete, well I have managed to get one thing done on the list, and that was a site I was building for a friend.  Its almost complete from his designs, though I have yet to get feedback.  The site is in Norwegian, for a Norwegain company and it is:

Screenshot of Nord-VestEiendom

Its a really simple site on the outside, showcasing new house builds, and all the import information will be uploaded in PDFs shortly.  As normal I built the whole thing on top of WordPress 2, with a custom template which actually contains quite a bit more custom PHP than the simplicity of the site actually reveals.  But WordPress lets anyone update the site, add in pictures which are formatted properly and then attach PDFs.

I will be of course putting in more information about the build in my portfolio site.  Now on to build

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