Long time no blog


Well, I have been quite busy, but even so I feel that I have been really neglecting my space here. Anyways I now have my Broadband installed in my new Flat, after much research from the likes of http://www.adslguide.org.uk I have decided to go with Freedom2Surf, as they over a static IP aswell as very reasonable rates..

At the same time I have decided to update my PC and got my hands on a AMD Barton that I will no doubt end up overclocking and some other parts. Initially I had thought that I would try a really cheap http://www.pcchips.com.tw board but what a mistake I think in choosing that – I ended up going down to Tottenham Court Road and buying a board from the very helpful people at yoyotech – And Asus. Can’t really go wrong with that I think and that is what I am typing on now whilst waiting for the damn XP updates from http://www.windowsupdate.com.

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