NetNewsWire now free


One of my favourite applications and one of my most used applications on the Mac is NetNewsWire from Newsgator and it has been since I started using it. I have found it to be the best way to deal with Newsfeeds for me, the integration of browser, the ease of use and probably the way it syncs with its online counterpart has kept me away from other solutions.


My first thoughts when I found out that it was now free was “I paid for that!” but it only took me a couple of seconds to realise that I had already got my moneys worth and if others can now take advantage of this then all the better for everyone. After all I got it when it was bundled with Marsedit, another program that sees a lot of usage. MarsEdit has been aquired by Red Sweater software now


NetNewsWire has now been updated to version 3, and I was also really happy to see that the Windows Mobile version of Newsgator, Newsgator Go is now also a free download. I had tried the trial of this on my windows mobile and was very impressed but hadn’t got around to purchasing it. Now its another free download and perhaps one of the most useful on the Windows Mobile platform.

Well done to Newsgator for this.

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