Problems with iPod Nano
Computing · OSX
I haven’t posted anything about the Nano before, mainly because it came out whilst I was busy not posting but reported on the BBC site (its not like I read much iPod stuff elsewhere at the moment) here is there is a fault with the lovely little screen on a very small percentage.
Lets hope they work it out as this is my favourite model they have yet to come up with, I love the thiness, portability and just the solid state nature of the thing. I am sure that some examples are very strong as tested by by arstechnica a few weeks back, where one reporter took to seeing how much it would take to destroy one. They also showed off the lovely packaging that you get with it…
But it seems that some users are getting just a few hours use out of them before cracking the screen from as little as pulling it out of a pocket. Not good at all.
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